My Uncle John was a freelance illustrator who was commisioned by British Rail to work on travel posters in the 1960s. I believe his work had an effect on the way I like to re-create vector illustrations of places and landmarks that I am lucky enough to visit throughout the world.

There is nothing better than the great outdoors and where possible I like to discover the wonder of nature, either as a sketch, a painting, a photograph or my personal favourite, vector illustration. It is always a challenge to re-create the subtle colours Mother Earth gives us and occaisonally I glance at the sunset and reflect, "You couldn't paint that!".

Over the years I have designed and illustrated many themed Greetings Cards, invitations, banners and programmes, some of which are featured on the image library, Shutterstock. I particularly enjoy hand lettering and calligraphy, as well as creating original characters along with supporting simple prose andslogans.

Mixed Media
I have always enjoyed drawing and painting, beginning by chalking misunderstood diagrams on the pavement outside my parent's house. I persevered, carrying my sketch book everywhere, although I had not fully shaken off my mischievous past as I got into trouble at Meadow Vale school by adding a grossly exagerated anatomical part to a my history teacher, Mr Averling's photograph outside the staff room! The rest as Mr Averling would have said, is history!

Dad showed me early work by Ronald Searle, Griffin, Ralph Steadman and Donald McGill and I began sketching people and animals and exaggerating their features and when I joined Nicklin Advertising I worked alongside Senior Designer, John Walker, who helped me hone the skill of caricature. I went on to freelance for Krazy Teez producing artwork for risqué T-Shirts and campaigns.

I have always admired the paintings of artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Wyndham Lewis, Paula Rego, Francis Bacon and Oliver Perry but have never created anything similar to their work! I However, I have been heavily influenced by the work of Malcolm Garret who designed most of the artwork for Buzzcocks early record sleeve covers.